Thursday, August 30, 2018

PAN Card Banane Ke Liye Online Kaise Apply Kare

स्थायी खाता संख्या (PAN or Permanent Account Number) एक दस अंको
का alphanumeric number है जो income tax department जारी करता है। हालांकि
पैन कार्ड का इस्तेमाल financial लेन-देन के लिए किया जाता है परंतु कई
जगहों पर ये एक identity proof की तरह भी कार्य करता है।

कौन -कौन PAN Card के लिए apply कर सकता है (Who can apply for a PAN card?)

कुछ लोगो के लिए PAN कार्ड बनाना Mandatory होता है। नीचे दिए काम के लिए आपको PAN कार्ड बनाना जरुरी  है।

  1. जब आप business कर रहे हो और आपका लेन-देन महीना में ५०,००० से ऊपर तक का होता है। 

  2. अगर आप बैंक में saving अकाउंट खोल रहे हो। किन्तु Govt. ने basic
    saving account वालो को PAN card apply करने का compulsory नहीं किया है। 

क्या PAN  card के लिए कोई भी apply कर सकता है ?

PAN कार्ड अप्लाई करने से पहले आपको निम्नलिखित बातो ध्यान में रखा जरुरी है:

  1. आप एक इंडियन नागरिक (citizen) है।   

  2. और आपका age १८ साल और उससे ज्यादा है। 

क्या PAN कार्ड apply करने के बाद आपको Income Tax भरना पड़ेगा ?

हा, किन्तु सब लोगो को टैक्स नहीं भरना पड़ेगा। सिर्फ वही लोग Income Tax के
लिए liable होंगे जिनकी income, ceiling limit से ज्यादा होगी। हालांकि,
अगर आपकी income celing लिमिट से कम हो तो आप अपनी इच्छा अनुसार Nil return
फाइल कर सकते है जिसमे आपको टैक्स देना नहीं पड़ेगा।

India में PAN Card बनाने के लिए Online कैसे Apply करे

India में पैन कार्ड बनाने के लिए निचे दिए गयी guide को follow करे,

सबसे पहले आप निचे दिए गयी link पर click कर income tax के official website पर जाये।

KingRoot - Android Device Ko Root Kaise Kare In Hindi

हम सब ये भलीभांति जानते है की Android एक बहुत ही प्रसिद्ध linux डिवाइस
है जिसमे आप एक ही समय में कई multi-tasking  कर सकते है। किन्तु बहुत ही
कम लोगो को root function के बारे में जानकारी होगी। क्योंकि रुट एक extra
privilige है। कुछ समय  पहले  Android device को computer की सहायता से
root किया जाता था परंतु डिवाइस root करना अब बहुत ही आसान हो गया है।
Android developers ने कुछ  ऐसे applications तैयार किये है जिसकी सहायता से आप सिर्फ एक click से ही खुद का phone root कर पाएंगे।

चलिए सबसे पहले हम यह जानते है की device को root करने के क्या फायदे है। 

  1. आप अपने फ़ोन का IMEI number change कर सकेंगे। 

  2. आप RAM  बढ़ा सकेंगे जिसके बाद आप high graphic का गेम्स बरे आसानी से खेल सकेंगे। 

  3. आप internal मेमोरी बढ़ा सकेंगे। 

  4. आप battery life बढ़ा सकेंगे। 

  5. आप पहले से installed apps को uninstall कर सकेंगे। 

  6. आप अपने फ़ोन का device location change कर सकेंगे। 

चलिए अब ये जानते है की phone को root करने के क्या disadvantages है:

  1. आपकी डिवाइस की warranty void हो जाएगी। जिसका मतलब ये है की अगर आपकी डिवाइस वारंटी पीरियड में ही ख़राब हो जाती है तो आपका service center आपके के फ़ोन को repair नहीं करेगा । 

चलिए अब ये जानते है की phone ko kaise root kare

  1. Phone को रुट करने के लिए सबसे पहले आपको Kingroot download और Install करने पड़ेगा। ध्यान रहे की आपने अपने डिवाइस के settings menu से unkown source को activate किया हो।  Download करने के लिए यहाँ click करे। 

  2. अब kingroot application को launch करे। 

  3. अब 'Start Root' पर click करे। निचे दिए picture को देखे। 

    android phone ko root kaise kare kingroot

  4. जब rooting progress चल रही हो तो अपने device को desk पर रख दे और इन्तेजार करे तब तक जब तक आपका फ़ोन root न हो जाये। 

  5. जब आपका फ़ोन successfully root हो जायेगा तब आपको निचे दिए गयी image की तरह screen पर message आएगा।

    kingroot - android device ko root kaise kare

मुबारक हो दोस्तों आपने अपना फ़ोन sucessfully root कर दिया है। अब आप आपके phone के root user हो।

धनयबाद दोस्तों। मैं आशा करता हु की आपको मेरा ये tutorial पसंद आया होगा।
इसी तरह की trick और सिखने के लिए हमे subscribe करना न भूले।

Android Mobile ka IMEI Number Kaise Change Kare in Hindi

IMEI number phone का एक unique code होता है जिसका इस्तेमाल फ़ोन को
trace करने के लिए किया जाता है | हर फ़ोन का अपना -अपना IMEI नंबर है और
साथ में हर एक SIM slot का भी | IMEI नंबर का इस्तेमाल Telecom कम्पनी यह
जानने के लिए करती है की फ़ोन valid है या नहीं |

अगर  आपके पास कोई चोरी (chori) का device है और आप उसका
IMEI नंबर change करना चाहते है तो मैं आपको बता देना चाहता हु की यह
illegal है और यह एक punishable offence है | यह tutorial or guide सिर्फ
आपके educational purpose के लिए है | मै आशा करता हु की आप इसका गलत
इस्तेमाल नहीं करेंगे| निचे दी गयी tuotrial को follow करे|

मै इस guide में आपको imei नंबर change करने के दो तरीके बताऊंगा| पहला तरीका फ़ोन को without root का होगा और दूसरा तरीका फ़ोन को root करके |

Android device ka imei number kaise change kare (without root)

जैसा की आप जानते है की फ़ोन को root करने के बाद फ़ोन warranty void हो
जाती है इसलिए मै आपको suggest करूँगा कि आप पहले नीचे दी इस tutorial को
follow करे| अगर आपका काम नहीं होता  है तब आप root वाले तरीके पर move हो सकते हैं|

1. सबसे पहले निचे दी गयी code को dial करे| 

*#7465625# or *#*#3646633#*#*

2. अब connectivity option or call pad पर click करे| 

3. अब CDS information पर click करे| 

4. अब radio information के लिए checkout करे| 

5. अब ध्यानपूर्वक देखे| अगर आपके फ़ोन में dual sim lagta है तब आपके phone में दो options होंगे i.e. IMEI_1  [SIM1] और IMEI_2 [SIM2]| अब आपको कोई एक sim select करना है जिसका आप imei नंबर change करना चाहते है|

6. अब आप अपने device का imei नंबर change कर सकते है जैसा की निचे दिखाया गया है,

              AT +EGMR=1,7,”IMEI_1” and “AT +EGMR=1,10,”IMEI_2”              

नोट:- आप अपने device का imei नंबर किसी भी Blackberry के साथ भी change कर सकते है| 

Android phone ka IMEI kaise change kare (Root Karke)

अगर दोस्तों आपके phone का imei नंबर without root के change नहीं हो पा रहा है तब आप root वाला तरीका इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं|

1. सबसे पहले आपको अपने phone को root karna पड़ेगा| यह एक बहुत ही simple process है| मैंने एक article भी बनाया है| Article को पड़ने के लिए यहाँ पर click करे|

2. अब phone पर Xposed Framework App को download करे| इसके बाद application को install करे एवं launch करे|

3. Application में आपको बहुत सारे options दिखेंगे|  अब आपको Framework option पर click करना है|

4. अब install/update option पर click करके अपने device को restart/reboot करे| नीचे दी गई चित्र को देखे,

android phone imei change hindi xposed framework

5. अब Xposed imei changer download एवं install करे| [Play Store]

6. अब application को launch करे| App के dashoboard पर aapko कई options दिखेंगे|

7. अब आपको आपके इच्छानुसार नया imei number enter करना है| और फिर आपको apply पर click करना है|

8. अब आपको Xposed Framework को launch करना होगा और फिर उसके बाद Framework page पर जाकर soft reboot करे|

अब आपने sucessfully phone का IMEI number change kar दिया हैं|  अगर आपको
कोई परेशानी हो रही है तो निचे दिए गए comment box पर comment कर सकते है
आपको instant answer मिलेगा|

धन्यवाद दोस्तों अगर आपको मेरा यह tutorial पसंद आया है तो इस guide को share करना न भूले और हमे subscribe जरूर करे|

Friday, August 3, 2018

Celebrate Friendship Day SMS 40+ Best Happy Friendship Day 2018 Messages

2018 Friendship Day SMS  40+ Best Happy Friendship Day 2018  Messages

Today we listed some
of best friendship day sms and text messages for your best friend. we
provide 40+ best happy friendship day
2018 sms, text messages and quotes
here.A day to celebrate friendship is getting nearer! Very soon you
will be looking for some beautiful and touching words to wish your
friends a very Happy Friendship Day.

This post is dedicated
to give you collections of Friendship Day SMS you can send to your
friends and colleagues via mobile SMS or social media like Whatsapp or
Facebook. The friendship day is celebrated with great fervour by
teenagers and youngsters by exchanging friendship bands and friendship
day greeting cards. 

Top 10 Friendship Day SMS & Quotes 2018

With extensive use of phones and social media, it is natural to
communicate with all our dear friends with SMS, images and beautiful
words honouring friendship in its true spirit. Let your cell phones,
tablets and laptops carry these beautiful Friendship Day Greetings to
all your friends.

Top 10 Friendship Day SMS & Quotes

As you will be celebrating Friendship Day on the first Sunday of the
August month, get ready to wish your friends with some great words
appreciating their friendship. Here is a beautiful compilation of some
touchingFriendship Day SMS and Quotes you can use to wish your dear friends and celebrate the day.

Friends are like lamp posts in our life,

they may not walk along

but light up our path during dark hours.

Happy Friendship Day!

A true friend will take 99 steps

towards you after you take 1 step towards him

Celebrate Friendship & Friendship Day!

Happy World Friendship Day to you all!

Friends are not those with whom you

chat over Whatsapp and Facebook.

Friends are those who just read your face

& ask you, “Tell me, Whats Up.?”

Happy Friendship Day to my Dearest Friend!

I am busy today too,

Hours are less & seconds are few,

But its a special day to remember

a true friend like you!

Happy Friendship Day!

happy friendship day write in blue color

Friends are those Angels

specially created by God

to be with us when the

whole world is against us.

Thanks for being my friend!

Happy Friendship Day!

The friendship band may remain or not

this rose may survive or not

but the special bond we share

will never lose its strength & fragrance.

Happy Friendship Day!

A friend will see tears through your eyes

when you are smiling to the whole world

to hide your grief!

Wish you a great Happy Friendship Day Wishes!

A friend is someone who listens to the song

in your heart,

and sing it back to you when you

forget the words.

Happy Friendship Day!

A friend is not who always do what you say,

A friend is the one who holds your hand &

bring you out of all mess you have not even seen.

Lots of love and blessings on Friendship Day!

Though time has drawn us apart,

with this friendship band &

beautiful rose,

I send my love and care for you.

Happy Friendship Day!

Yellow wall write happy friendship day 2018 with two friends

Lovely Happy Friendship Day Wishes & Messages

The Friendship Day is celebrated across the world on different days.
But most of the countries celebrate it on the first Sunday of the month
of August. The day is celebrated by exchanging roses, gifts, colourful
friendship bands, greetings cards and messages. All the youngsters will
be surely wanting some beautiful quotes on friendship to make their
friends smile on this special day. Let your friends realize how much
they mean to you. Use our friendship day sms, quotes and greetings for
free. Just pick the one you like and send it across to your friends via
mobiles or e.mail.

lovely happy friendship day wishes 2108

Love can make you cry,

But friendship believes in smiles,

Love can ditch

But friendship can reach to

a beautiful never ending relation!

Happy Friendship Day to all my Friends!

Finally it s a day when I take a chance

to thank you for being with me,

for understanding me,

for caring me,

for trusting me and gifting me the best friend!

Happy Friendship Day!

Sweet memories of childhood

remain for ever in heart

and never they die.

True friends stay together

and never say goodbye!

Happy Friendship Day to my Dearest friend!

True friends are tough to find,

hard to part with

and impossible to forget

even when apart

Happy Friendship Day!

Its a day to celebrate

the relation which is

beyond time, beyond words

and beyond any conditions!

Lets celebrate friendship together!

Lovely Friendship Day greetings to all my dear friends!

A line has two ends,

triangle has three

a square has four ends

and star has five

But friendship is a circle

without any end.

Beautiful friendship day wishes!

Sometimes I just wonder

looking at my Palm,

which cute crisscross

made me so lucky to have

a beautiful, sweet and true friend like you.

Happy Friendship Day!

True friends will laugh with you

even when you are laughing

at their cost!

Lovely friendship wishes

to all my near and dear friends!

Friendship is a great relation

with cute little things like

love and care,

fights and patch ups,

smiles and tears.

Happy Friendship Day!

Don’t try to define friendship

don’t try to find its meaning,

its just a feeling and a gesture

of bringing someone up

without caring of your own place.

Happy celebrations of Friendship Day!

celebrations happy friendship day with your friend 2018

Never miss an opportunity to renew and revive the bonds of relations!
Celebrate the beautiful and most precious relation of friendship with
our collections of amazing Friendship Day SMS and Wishes. The messages
for Friendship day here will make your friends smile a lot on this
beautiful day. Never be too busy that you don’t have time to send these
beautiful friendship day greetings to your friends and colleagues. Wish
you all a great Happy Friendship Day!

Happy Friendship Day Greetings Cards with Quotes 2018 for Friends

Happy Friendship Day Greetings Cards with Quotes 2018 for Friends: Friendship
Day is broadly celebrated over the globe consistently to express love,
satisfaction and consideration between two companions. This is the day
where the companions get the chance to demonstrate their companions how
they have scarified everything to create and safeguard an indestructible
relationship. Send and share beautiful greeting cards on Friendship
day, friendship day cards with quotes, friendship day
greetings in english and new wishes on friendship day. Every year the
primary Sunday of August is seen as Friendship day, this year in 2018
Friendship day is going to happen on seventh August, the way toward
praising the day awesome fluctuates from individuals to individuals. The
majority of the companions more often than not want to get to know each
other on this extraordinary day by going on an excursion or cookout,
while a few people craving to set up out a gathering or occasion to
commend this day with all his/her companions to make it a paramount
occasion of lifetime. In the time of digitalization, it is feasible for
companions to discover brilliant and appealing and Best Happy Friendship Day Greetings
and Animated Friendship Day Images over the web which is a definitive
approach to wish and impart your sentiments to their companions.
Celebrate the beautiful occasion with all your close friends. These
online sites furnish you with the most extensive gathering of
companionship messages which you may use to wish and demonstrate your
appreciation for your companions. Happy Friendship Day 2018!!

Happy Friendship Day Greetings Cards in English

Companions are the superb blessings of
lifetime and they are always remembered or kept segregated. They
generally stay in your heart and tend to you as your actual mate. Thus,
to keep up the solid obligation of fellowship, you will require some
solid words to express your affections for your companions. There are
numerous great, viable and Friendship Day SMS for
closest companion. SMS is a great idea to share your feelings with your
friends. You can observe these messages and select the one that best
suit you and your companions and the message you will choose must pass
on your emotions well. The kinship messages and content welcome ought to
be all around organized and should have significant sentences.

2018 Happy Friendship Day

Greetings of Friendship Day with Images 2018

Friendship day is also known as
fellowship Day. Send SMS in English is additionally the famous approach
to demonstrate your appreciation for your companions through best SMS
welcome accessible on the web. It permits the clients to appreciate
unbreakable discussion with their companions at exceptionally ostensible
charges. There are numerous sites that will give you Friendship Day
Text Messages in English which you may use to send your companions on
the favorable day.

Happy Friendship Day Greetings Cards 2018


2018 2019 Happy Friendship day

Messages and SMS Greetings on Friendship Day

The instant message administrations are
additionally in buildup nowadays and it is broadly utilized today to
demonstrate your tend to companions. You basically need to visit the
site that has practical experience in Happy Friendship Day Greetings and
select the best content welcome according to your need and glue it on
the message box and send it you closest companion. Copy the best message
you like and send to everyone.

  1. Life Is Ӓ Beӓutiful Thing,Ӓ Lovely Life Is Even ɱore Beӓutiful.
    In any case, To ɱӓke It Perfect,

    One ɱust Hӓve Ӓ True Loving Friend Like You,

    One Шho Loves Theɱ Even ɱore Thӓn Ӓ Lover.

  2. Ӓ good friend is like ӓ good coɱputer,

    He enters in your life,

    Sӓve hiɱself in your heӓrt,

    Forɱӓts ӓll your troubles in life

    Ӓnd never delete you froɱ his heӓrt.

    Hӓppy Friendship Dӓy.

  3. Every one cӓn speӓk sweet …

    Every one cӓn buy sweets  …

    Every one cӓn give sweet rose …

    But no one cӓn hӓve sweet person like YOU.

We hope you like our article. So send greeting cards, cards with quotes and messages to your close friends and maje them happy. Enjoy Friendship Day 2018!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Happy Friendship Day SMS Messages Quotes Wishes Sayings 2018

Friendship Day SMS Message Quotes for Friendship Day 2018 :
Friends are the best part of the Life. We all know that Friendship Day
is celebrated in honor to the Friends. Friendship Day celebration was
firstly started in Unites States in 1935. Eventually whole world started
celebrating Friendship Day on the different days in the different
countries. Happy Friendship Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of
August month every year. This year 2018, Friendship Day is going to be
celebrated on 2nd August i.e. August first Sunday in 2018. On this day
many of them try to spend their whole day with their Friends and
exchange gifts like chocolates, Cards, Flowers, wrist bands and
bracelets. Some of the people send the Friendship Quotes, Happy
Friendship Day SMS Messages and Friendship day Wishes to their beloved
Friends to wish them on this beautiful Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS Messages 2018:

Friendship is a Rainbow between,

Two hearts, sharing seven feelings:






6....Trust &


Hope d Rainbow of our friendship lasts 4ever

True friends are like mornings,

u cant have them the whole day,

but u can be sure,

they will be there when u wake up tomorrow,

next year and forever.

Diamonds are pretty

and so are pearls

but nothing as gorgeous

as me and my friends.

A true friend is not like rain which pours and goes away;

A true friend is like air and sunlight mostly silent but always around you.

Thanks for being my air and sunlight.

Happy Friendship Day!!

Friends r like mornings,

u may share with them

only a few hours of d day.

But u know that they will

always b there tomorrow,

the next day and the day after.

Some times i feel what i earned in life ?

Money ?


Name ?


Fame ?


but i earned the most precious thing....

A Friend like U.

Happy Friendship Day!!

A True Friend never gets in your way....

Unless you happen to be going down.

Happy Friendship Day

Without humor, life is boring.

 Without courage, life is hard.

 Without love, life is hopeless.

Without A friend like you, life is IMPOSSIBLE!!

Loveless life is a fruitless tree;

But friendless life is a rootless tree.

So never lose your good friends.

Happy Friendship Day!!

Hello!! What’s wrong with your mobile?

Tried so many times

 but, Every time I call it says: The subscriber your are trying to reach is in


If u r a chocolate you are the sweetest,

if u r a Teddy Bear u r the most huggable,

If u are a Star u r the Brightest,

and since u r my 'FRIEND' u r the 'BEST'!

My friendship is not a game to play nor a word to say.

It doesn't start on March and end on May but it is yesterday, today, tomorrow and everyday.

Happy Friendship Day 2018

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happy friendship day messages 2018

happy friendship day sms 2018

friendship day wishes quotes 

Happy Friendship Day SMS Messages Wishes Quotes for Lovers GF/BF 2018

We all know Friendship Day is coming soon. ‘Friendship’ is the most
beautiful and precious relation that fills the colors in the Life right
from the childhood to old age. Most of them irrespective of their age
groups enjoy spending their time and share feelings with their best
Friends. Lover or Life partner is the one who lives with you forever. It
is very important to have a friendly between the Life partners. Here in
this article we have collected the best Friendship Day Messages SMS and
Quotes for Girlfriends, boyfriends, Lovers, Husband, Wife and also for
the best Friends. You can send this beautiful Friendship Day Messages,
Quotes to your loved ones on this auspicious Day.

Friendship Day SMS Messages for Lovers:

Friendship Day SMS Messages for Lovers:

The best rule of friendship is to keep your heart a little softer than your head.

Happy Friendship Day 2018

Best Relationship is






When You Can Act Like Lovers

And Best Friends At The Same Time.

Happy Friendship 

My Friendship means a little heart that never hates, 

a cute smile that never fades, 

a smooth touch that never shakes 

and a strong relationship that never breaks.

Friendship Day 2018

Good friendship is like a diamond and

someone you can share everything with _ _ _ [your CRUSH Name]

My life can be measured by the number of true friends I've made, 

it is their love that matters the most in the end.

Happy Friendship Day :)

A hug is worth a thousand words. 

A friend is worth more.

Happy Friendship Day 2018

When heart beats it says 'lub-dub'.

Do U know whats it means?

LUB says 'Live Ur life Best'

DUB says 'Do Ur Best in life'

Enjoy every heartbeat.

"Happy Friendship Day."

A Cute Thought Of friendship…

It’s Not Necessary to Share Every Secret 

between True Friend. 

But The Thing is whatever You share should be True..:-)

Happy Friendship Day!

My friend shud be My medicine when i am in pain, 

My letter when i am far, My smile when i am sad, 

My hanky wen i cry, And my life when i die. 

Happy Friendship Day !

Life Is A Beautiful Thing,

A Lovely Life Is Even More Beautiful.

But, To Make It Perfect,

One Must Have A True Loving Friend Like You,

One Who Loves Them Even More Than A Lover.

Thank you for touching my life in ways you may never know. 

My riches do not lie in material wealth, b

ut in having friend like you 

– a precious gift from God. - 

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Funny Friendship Day Quotes SMS Messages for Happy Friendship Day 2018

Friendship Day Quotes Messages: We all know that each and every friend
in our Life is very special to everyone. Generally our Friends and us
when we met our Friends we generally talk about the Funny things and
crack Jokes. That’s the original Friendship relation states. Here in
this post, we have a huge collection of Funny Friendship Day Quotes, Funny Friendship day messages and Happy Friendship Day funny Quotes SMS.
I hope that this article will help you to find the awesome funny quotes
to send to your Friends on this awesome Day. Also I wish you a very
Happy Friendship Day.

Funny Friendship Day Quotes SMS 2018

Funny Friendship Day Quotes SMS 2018:

We all have that one Friend who you argue with, then 10 minutes later,you are both laughing like nothing ever happened

My friend’s friend is my friend.

My friend’s girlfriend is my friend.

My friend’s boyfriend is just a scum.

Happy Friendship Day!!

Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo,

but what you want is someone who

will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.

One good reason to only maintain a small circle of friends is that three
out of four murders are committed by people who know the victim.

Happy Friendship Day 2018

There is nothing better than a friend,

unless it is a friend with chocolate.

Happy Friendship Day

Friends are the bacon bits in the salad bowl of Life.

Happy Friendship Day 2018

If you can't say anything nice,

we should probably be Friends.

Happy Friendship Day buddy

Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain.

It’s not something you learn in school.

But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship,

you really haven’t learned anything

Happy Friendship Day

Funny Friendship Day Messages Quotes 2018

If you really want your friends to remember you, give them something cheap.

A True Friends is the only person who never gets

tired of listening to yours own pointless dramas over and over

Happy Friendship Day 2018

Sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together. 

i am a little bird sitting at your
windows waiting for the first ray of sun will touch your eyes and i can

I think we will be Friends forever because

we are too lazy to find new Friends.

Happy Friendship Day

Thank you for touching my life in ways you may never know.

My riches do not lie in material wealth,

but in having friend like you - a precious gift from God.

Happy Friendship Day

When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out.

A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying,

'Damn, that was fun.'Wish You a Very Happy Friendship Day

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