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Ganesha Sloka In Hindi with Meaning - Ganesh Chaturthi 2017

The list of Shlok for Ganesh Pooja in this Ganesh Chaturthi 2017. This are very well and much remedial shloka of Lord Ganesha. 

Here is a collection of Ganesha Shlokas:Ganesha Sloka In Hindi with Meaning -  Ganesh Chaturthi 2017

1. "Shuklaambara Dharam Vishnum, Shashi Varnam Chatur Bhujam
Prasanna Vadanam Dhyaayet, Sarva Vighna Upashaanthaye"

Lord Ganesha always dressed in white represents purity. He is
omnipresent with gray complexion like that of ash glowing with spiritual
splendor. The Lord with bright countenance has four arms. I meditate on
the God who can destroy all obstacles whether material or spiritual.

2. "Vakratunda Mahakaaya, Suryakoti Samaprabha
Nirvighnam Kuru Mey Deva, Sarva Kaaryeshu Sarvada"

Lord Ganesha has a curved trunk with a powerful body. He has the
brilliance of a million suns. May the Lord, remove all the problems from
the actions I aim to achieve.

3. "Ekadantam Mahaakaayan, Taptakaajnchanasannibhamh
Lambodaram Vishaalaaxam, Vandeaham Gananaayakamh"

Obeisance to Lord Ganesha, the one tusked, huge-bodied, big-bellied,
and large-eyed God, whose complexion is like that of molten gold. I
surrender myself to such great lord.

5. "Srikantho Mathulo Yasya, Jananee Sarva Mangalaa
Janakaha Sankaro Devaha, Tam Vande' Kunjaraananam"

The lord, for whom Lord Vishnu is the Uncle, whose mother is the divine
auspicious one, Parvati and whose father is Lord Shiva. I offer
salutations to Sri Ganesha, the Omkara.

6. "Prasanna Vinaayakam Devam, Perivana Pura Samsthitham
Sarva Vigna Haram Nithyam, Vandhe Sri Kunjaraananam"

The Lord Sri Prasanna Vinaayaka, who lives in his Temple of Pearland;
one who removes all obstacles of all his devotees at all times; one who
has the Omkara face of the elephant. I pray to the divine Ganesha.

7. "Agajaanana Padmaarkam, Gajaananam Aharnisham
Anekadantham Bhaktaanaam, Ekadantam Upaasmahey"

Lord Ganesha, the elephant faced is like sun to the lotus face of
Mother Parvati. The single tusked Ganesha is the giver of boons. I
salute the great lord to grant us a boon.

8. "Ganaanaam Twam Ganapathi Gam Havaamahe
Kavim Kaveenaam Upamasra Vastamam
Jyeshta Raajam Brahmanaam Brahmanaspatha
Aanashrunvanna Oothibhi Seedha Saadanam"

The Lord of spiritual faith, son of Lord Shiva, is the wisest among the
wise. Ganesha has no comparison. He is the senior Lord of the Vedic
mantras, who listens to the devotee's prayers. I invite Lord Ganesha to
visit my home with prosperous things and be seated here.

Also read :-

Siddhivinayak 2017 Mumbai Live Darshan

Ganeshji Facebook Cover Picture 2017 | Lord Ganesh Utsav

Ganeshji Pictures Guajarat - Ganesh Chaturthi 2017

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