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06 May 2014

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Hindus celebrate Lord Ganesha’s birthday as the auspicious Ganesh Chaturthi 2020

It is believed that he is the god of prosperity and wisdom.
His birthday is celebrated by all on the day when the moon’s fortnight
has passed 3 days in the Hindu month Bhadrapada, a lunar month. People
generally celebrate the occasion for 5 to 10 days as per different
cultures. In some regions of the country the celebration goes up to 21
days as well. Those who follow the original tradition named as the right
hand path main day of importance is the first day of celebration and
those who take the other tradition called the left hand path they give
more importance to the last day. Many stores are here about Ganesh

According to the Hindu religion people take
blessing of Ganesha before starting any new venture. He is regarded as
the god who blesses with prosperity and wisdom. People following the
religion have a strong belief that blessings of Lord Ganesha are
important for fulfillment of desires. As per the mythological facts he
and Lord Kartikeya are sons of Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva. There are
numerous stories which revolve around the birth, life and deeds of him
and goddess Laxmi and Saraswati. Goddess Laxmi is the goddess who
blesses with wealth and Saraswati is the giver of knowledge. All the
stories state that Ganesha had the head of an elephant and loved to eat
Modaks which are special Indian sweets made for the Lord specially and
are droplet in shape. It is also said that he travels on a rat which is
called Mooshak in Hindi.

As per the Hindu literature it is said that
Goddess Parvati bathed with sandalwood dough. She used the same dough to
make Ganesha and asked him to guard the door while she was bathing. In
the mean time Shiva came to meet her but as per his mother’s
instructions Ganesha denied Shiva from entering. In rage of being
stopped by a small kid Shiva beheaded the child. Knowing the death of
her son Parvati came howling and asked Shiva to relive her son. It was
then that Ganesha got the head of an elephant which was fixed by Lord
Shiva himself.

Another famous tale about the lord of wisdom
is the one when the two brothers i.e. Kartikeya and himself were asked
to win a race to win the title of Ganaadhipati which gave the powers to
be the leader of all gods. The two brothers accepted the challenge and
were ready. Lord Kartikeya used a peacock for making three rounds of the
world which was the winning parameter of the race and Lord Ganesha has
the Mooshak. His intelligent brain quickly understood that winning a
race on the rat would be impossible for him so he went up to his parents
and took three rounds of them. He stated that the honor, pride and
existence e of his parents was the entire world for him therefore he
encircled them. The reasoning was liked by all and he was given the
title of Ganaadhipati and became famous to the world as Ganpati.

If the portrait of the God is noticed he has a
snake on his belly and a single tusk. Mythology has a story for this as
well. It has been said that on one of his birthdays Lord Ganesha has a
huge amount of food cooked by his mother Parvati. She made 21 different
types of dishes and voluminous sweet porridge. Due to all this over
eating Ganesha could not handle his belly therefore he went for a walk
ridding his rat. While on his way the rat tumbled seeing a snake in his
path. Ganesha picked the snake and used it as a rope to tie his belly.
Suddenly while he was doing this he heard somebody laugh from somewhere
in the sky.

Ganesha noticed that the moon placed in the
sky was making fun of all what he was doing. Seeing this in anger he
broke one of his tusks and threw it on him. Seeing the things around
Parvati got annoyed and cursed the moon. She said whoever would try to
give a glance at the moon on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi would be
grabbed in an ill deed and would be defamed for it.  The rat, snake and
the big belly of Ganesha and the moon’s relationship to his birthday all
symbolizes the stores from the past and certain facts about the world.
It is said that as per Lord Ganesha the rat is the ego of man. A person
who willingly rules his ego and overcomes it becomes clean in conscious
and gets the heart of god. The big belly of Ganesha is considered as the
universe and Parvati as the energy for existence. The seven oceans and
the realms all are within his belly.

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