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06 May 2014

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This website is a community website for sharing Apps trial with activation tools for educational purposes only. The description of the releases are mostly taken by the official website and the changelogs are updated from there as well.
Hercules Design
@billykulpa Please contact us via

06 May 2014


Hercules Design
@billykulpa Please contact us via

06 May 2014

This blog is to provide you with daily outfit ideas and share my personal style. This is a super clean and elegant WordPress theme for every bloggers. Theme is perfect for sharing all sorts of media online. Photos, videos, quotes, links... etc.



Valentine's Day Celebrate with Love Songs


So on this day they call Valentines Day I was thinking about listening to some good old love songs. You know really get me in the mood for the holiday. So I thought I would share with you some of my favorites. I hope you enjoy these too.

1. Love Hurts by Nazareth

"Some fools think Of happiness, blissfulness, togetherness
Some fools fool themselves, I guess. They're not foolin' me"

2. Love Stinks - J. Geils Band
 And so it goes Till the day you die
This thing they call love It's gonna make you cry 

 3. I hate myself for loving you - Joan Jett & The Blackhearts

I hate myself for loving you, Can't break free from the the things that you do
I wanna walk but I run back to you, That's why I hate myself for loving you

4. Tainted Love - Soft Cell

 Sometimes I feel I've got to, Run away I've got to
Get away from the pain that you drive into the heart of me

Hope you all enjoyed a few of the songs that I been listening to and celebrating Valentines Day with. Do you have any favorites that you like to listen to on this day?

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