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06 May 2014

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Hercules Design
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06 May 2014


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06 May 2014

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How do you celebrate Mother's Day with your mom? 2022

How do you celebrate Mother's Day with your mom? Do you celebrate this special occasion like as you celebrate your mom's birthday? Organizing a party every Mother's Day may not be necessary to show your mother how much you love her. Even a simple greeting can make them very happy because you remembered their very special day. One of the many ways that you can do to make her feel special is through sending her Mothers Day Verses. Here are some of the Mothers Day Verses that you may give to your mother on Mother's Day.

You are very special to me. Among of the many women in this whole wide world, you are the one that adds color to my days and gives me the happiness that cannot be exactly described. It is you – my mother and my very special one.

Motherhood is no joke. It is a big responsibility. She is responsible in taking good care of her beloved children. Motherhood involves serious hardship for the woman. Being a good mother is unique and not everyone practice to be a good one.

Love your mother because you can't have another mother from this world. You only have one mother that is why she deserves all your love and care. You should also respect her. Do not say bad words to her because it is a sin. You must always obey her.

Your mother always thinks what the best is for her children. If one day you feel like your mother doesn't love you, it is not true. Maybe you just misunderstood the love and care she give for you.

Mothers are like super heroes. They are super heroes of every house. Without a mother, there will be no light of the house.

Do not make your mother cry. There can be times that mother feels lonely. As a child, comfort her and make her feel that you exist and you love her very much. Make her feel that she is not alone and there is still hope for tomorrow.

So those are the Mothers Day Verses. You can write some of these verses in a card and then give it to your mother on Mother's Day. Aside from writing a letter for her, you may also buy her gifts that could truly make her happy.

Finally, once you are already done preparing your surprise, give it to her on Mother's Day. For sure she will love and cherish the gift you've given her.

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